Monday, May 16, 2011

My sister is finally 13...

I mean 19, she's actually 19, but she'll be a preteen in my mind forever. We celebrated with really good pizza, a mini pub crawl and late night waffles...
Andrew and Levi in deep discussions.
 Our lonely table as we left...
 Sally and Victoria
 Victoria and Levi
 Free Birthday Waffle!
 We're moose.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A little late...

My desire to blog comes in waves, sometimes I don't feel like it for weeks and then one day I'll will write five posts. Anyways, I never did do a final diet update so even though it ended a couple weeks ago I will update now. In about 33 days I lost a total of 11.2lbs. Now, about two weeks later, I have reintroduced most things (although I am staying away from dairy for the most part as I seem to have negative reactions to it) and I have manged to maintain my new weight. I would still like to lose another 7-10lbs but will try to do so over time, with gradual and permanent changes such as more excersise and clean eating as often as possible. It was a difficut five weeks but it was the first time I have ever been successful with a diet and it showed me that I have a lot more self control than I give myself credit for.